Acupuncteurs et Acupunctrices à Montréal :

Voici notre équipe d’ et acupunctrices à la clinique d’acupuncture sociale d’Hochelaga :

Felix : Acupuncturist

Ten years ago, my first acupuncture treatment changed my life. At the time, I was suffering from chronic pain, which doctors could only treat by prescribing painkillers. I feared that medication would only serve to "turn off the alarm". Instead, I was looking for ways to target the cause of my condition. Acupuncture, Chinese herbalism, tuina, qi gong and ESPECIALLY Chinese dietetics (FOOD) have revolutionized the way I live, the way I feel, and the way I interact with people and my environment. I have the deepest respect for this cosmology, for the incredible diversity of in-depth medical knowledge across an entire continent, meticulously recorded and passed down over 5000 years. Every day, I am humbled by the innate wisdom of all living beings: our evolution is guided by self-healing, co-regulation, the experience of joy and love. I'm honoured to do my job and to be able to share with you in this ongoing learning process. 

Felix acupuncteur clinique acupuncture sociale montreal

Léah : Acupuncturist

My practice aims to re-establish each individual's physiological coherence, on several levels. Although bodies are already equipped with the tools to exist in well-being, daily life, stress and many other issues can lead to suffering, however varied it may be. My role is to help the body regain its full power and autonomy. 

Acupuncture enables me to treat muscular pain, gynaecological disorders, digestive problems, anxiety and insomnia... to name but a few. In my private treatments, I integrate Tuina, a manual therapy passed on to me by my teachers at the Gongfu Research Centre in Montreal. It's a powerful tool that complements needlework.

I practice in a spirit of benevolence, welcoming everyone without judgement.

Certified as an Assistant Instructor in Xing Yi Quan by the North American Tang Shou Tao (NATSTA), I have also led Qi Gong sessions at the clinic and integrate exercises into my treatments as needed, to maintain the effects of care on a daily basis.

leah acupuncteure acupunctrice acupuncteur clinique acupuncture sociale montreal

Gregory : Acupuncturist

I have been studying and practising Chinese medicine for over 20 years. I first became interested in TCM in 2001, in Taiwan, when the care provided by a diē dá practitioner healed injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. In 2002, I met my first teacher, Ron "Doc" Rosen OMD.

After apprenticing with Dr. Rosen and attending his Barefoot Medicine classes for three years, I enrolled in the acupuncture program at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Victoria B.C. (I.C.T.C.M.). I studied under the supervision of Dr. Wally Mui D.TCM for three years. After graduating, however, I felt that something was missing. I found that missing element in Jeffery Yuen's teachings.

In 2011, I opened a community acupuncture practice in Catskill, NY, and studied with Mr. Yuen on weekends at his center in Chinatown. I learned more about Chinese herbalism, advanced acupuncture, Chinese dietetics and the use of essential oils from the perspective of classical Chinese medicine. Above all, I learned that true Chinese medicine is rooted in the mind.

gregory greg acupuncteur clinique d'acupuncture sociale montreal

Elisa : Acupuncturist

After 15 years' experience as a counsellor accompanying people with drug addiction and/or mental health problems, I felt the need to find a different but complementary approach that would enable the body to be used to improve physical and psychological well-being. Traditional Chinese medicine was a significant discovery for me, as it opened up new philosophical concepts and perspectives for helping people.

As part of my training, I did an internship at the Fondation Québécoise du Cancer, where I found that acupuncture helped reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, such as fatigue, hot flashes, peripheral neuropathy, digestive problems and pain.

It has always been important to me to welcome people without judgment and to establish a relationship of trust and mutual respect. I'm delighted to be able to practice at the Clinique d'Acupuncture Sociale d'Hochelaga, which shares my values of inclusion and access to care for all. I look forward to meeting you.

elise acupunctrice acupuncteur clinique d'acupuncture sociale montreal

Laura Martin : Acupuncturist

I like to support patients in changing their habits and carefully accompany their healing process. I'm interested in the relationship between emotions and physical states.

Because Chinese medicine treats people from where they are at that moment, it's a highly personalized approach that considers the immediate state you're in to guide treatment. It also reminds us that we are an integral part of the world. These two orientations guide my practice.

Dalia : Acupunctrice

J’ai découvert l’acupuncture et ses bienfaits grâce à la recommandation d’une de mes professeures alors que je poursuivais des études sur le bouddhisme.

J’ai été et je continue d’être profondément inspirée par l’approche holistique de la médecine chinoise et sa recherche d’un équilibre qui est individuel à chacun. L’importance d’une relation thérapeutique fondée sur la confiance et le respect est au cœur de ma pratique. Je souhaite que mes patients se sentent accueillis tels qu’ils sont. L’acupuncture est pour moi un processus co-créatif qui permet de restaurer des connexions connues mais parfois oubliées du corps et d’ouvrir de nouveaux chemins de possibilités. Cela peut vouloir dire considérer des symptômes au niveau physique, psychologique, émotionnel et énergétique.

Mon but est de faciliter la capacité naturelle du corps d’aller vers le rétablissement en infusant douceur, bienveillance et minutie à mes traitements.

Ludivine : Acupuncturist

I practiced as a critical care nurse for over 10 years, but I felt that sometimes I was missing something to help people with chronic pain or other complex illnesses. That's how I discovered acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

I now hope to combine my knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine to accompany you as effectively as possible in your quest for wellness.

Je quitterai malheureusement la clinique fin novembre 2024 car je vit et pratique maintenant dans les laurentides.

ludivine acupuncteur acupunctrice clinique d'acupuncture sociale montreal

Maxime : Acupuncturist


It was a desire to help those close to me that first led me to study acupuncture. I discovered a world so much wider than I had expected. For me, acupuncture will always remain an art in which intuition and knowledge meet.
Today, it is still the desire to help that pushes me to deepen my knowledge, to open a new book or to take a new training. It is also what motivated me to co-found the Clinique d'acupuncture Sociale Hochelaga. As money is often a barrier to accessing care, I felt it was necessary to find a way to reduce its impact.

I practice traditional acupuncture, inspired mainly by Dr. Tan and Master Tung, but I'm always on the lookout for new practices to satisfy my curiosity. I like to offer a treatment plan that leaves room for patients to determine therapeutic orientations. My aim is to ensure that I address patients' priorities at their own pace.

I am French speaking, but I am comfortable if you wish to communicate in English. I look forward to meeting you.

Maxime acupuncteur clinique acupuncture sociale montreal