Discover the NADA protocol

Auriculotherapy - NADA Protocol

Discover our auriculo-solidarity program, based on the NADA protocol, at the Clinique d'acupuncture sociale d'Hochelaga. This treatment is offered free of charge or pay-what-you-can, and is supported by the Fondation québécoise de l'acupuncture and the Regroupement des ressources alternatives en santé mentale du Québec.

What is the NADA protocol?

The NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol is an auricular acupuncture treatment that targets five specific points in the ears. This protocol is often used in groups to treat a variety of problems, such as addiction, mental health disorders, post-traumatic stress and emotional trauma. It promotes dignity, hope and resilience.

Developed in the 1970s by activists in New York, NADA was initially designed to help detoxify from heroin and methadone. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, when it was used to support victims and those affected by the tragedy. Today, it is recognized as a valuable tool for managing post-traumatic stress and crises.

The Five Points of the NADA Protocol

1. Sympathetic

This points helps calm the nervous system and reduce stress.

2. Shen Men

Known as the "gate of the spirit," this point promotes relaxation and emotional balance.

3. Kidney

This point reinforces life force and supports kidney function.

4. Liver

This point helps eliminate toxins, stabilize impulsive behavior, calm anger, and reduce depression.

5. Lung

This point promotes the elimination of toxins and helps let go of the past.

The Benefits of Auriculotherapy

How does auriculotherapy improve mental health?

Auriculotherapy, a key practice in traditional Chinese medicine, plays an essential role in improving mental health. By stimulating specific points on the ear, this technique helps to regulate the nervous system, reducing stress, anxiety and depression. In addition to these benefits, auriculotherapy promotes better sleep and an overall sense of well-being.

By integrating auriculotherapy into your care routine, you can achieve lasting emotional balance and inner peace, contributing to a better quality of life. The NADA protocol, a widely recognized and used method worldwide, has been rigorously studied for its beneficial effects in a variety of care settings.

To learn more about the effects and studies of auriculotherapy, consult the scientific publications available on the Resource page of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association.

Support and Partnerships

Acupuncture solidaire wouldn't exist in Quebec without the work of our colleagues and community partners that are involved in pilot projects. Discover several acupuncture solidaire projects in this video directed by Charlotte Astier.

We sincerely thank the Fondation Québécoise de l'Acupuncture for its financial support since October 2023, which has made these NADA projects possible.

Book an appointment to experience the NADA protocol