Acupuncturists in Montreal

Felix Denommé

Il y a dix ans, j’ai reçu un premier traitement d’acupuncture qui a changé ma vie. Je souffrais alors de douleurs chroniques auxquelles les médecins ne répondaient que par la prescription d’antidouleurs. Je craignais que les médicaments ne servent qu’à «éteindre l’alarme». Je cherchais plutôt comment cibler la source des pathologies.

L’acupuncture, l’herboristerie chinoise, le tuina, le qi gong et SURTOUT la diététique chinoise (LA NOURRITURE) ont révolutionné mon mode de vie, ma façon de me sentir, ainsi que ma manière d’interagir avec les gens et mon environnement. J’ai le plus profond respect pour cette cosmologie, pour l’incroyable diversité de connaissances médicales approfondies à travers tout un continent, méticuleusement consignées et transmises depuis 5000 ans. Chaque jour, je reçois une leçon d’humilité en constatant la sagesse innée de tous les êtres vivants : notre évolution est guidée par l’autoguérison, la corégulation, l’expérience de la joie et de l’amour. Je suis honoré de faire mon travail et de pouvoir échanger avec vous dans ce processus d’apprentissage continu.

Je m’intéresse particulièrement à traiter:

-les maladies auto-immune 

-la santé gynécologique, la fertilité, l’obstétrique et les soins post-partum

-les athlètes (art-martiaux, danse, cirque)

-la santé pédiatrique



Léah Zebic

My practice aims to re-establish each individual's physiological coherence, on several levels. Although bodies are already equipped with the tools to exist in well-being, daily life, stress and many other issues can lead to suffering, however varied it may be. My role is to help the body regain its full power and autonomy.

Acupuncture enables me to treat muscular pain, gynaecological disorders, digestive problems, anxiety and insomnia... to name but a few. In my private treatments, I integrate Tuina, a manual therapy passed on to me by my teachers at the Gongfu Research Centre in Montreal. It's a powerful tool that complements needlework.

I practice in a spirit of benevolence, welcoming everyone without judgement.

Certified as an Assistant Instructor in Xing Yi Quan by the North American Tang Shou Tao (NATSTA), I also lead the Qi Gong sessions given at the clinic and integrate certain exercises into my treatments as needed, in order to maintain the effects of care on a daily basis.

Acupuncture enables me to treat muscular pain, gynaecological disorders, digestive problems, anxiety and insomnia... to name but a few. In my private treatments, I integrate Tuina, a manual therapy passed on to me by my teachers at the Gongfu Research Centre in Montreal. It's a powerful tool that complements needlework.

I practice in a spirit of benevolence, welcoming everyone without judgement.

Certified as an Assistant Instructor in Xing Yi Quan by the North American Tang Shou Tao (NATSTA), I also lead the Qi Gong sessions given at the clinic and integrate certain exercises into my treatments as needed, in order to maintain the effects of care on a daily basis.

Gregory Schnabel Acupuncture sociale à Montréal

Gregory Schnabel

 Gregory Schnabel étudie et pratique la médecine chinoise depuis plus de 20 ans. Il a commencé à s’y intéresser en 2001, à Taïwan, lorsque les soins prodigués par un médecin diē dá l’ont guéri des blessures subies lors d’un accident de moto. En 2002, Greg a rencontré son premier professeur, Ron « Doc » Rosen OMD. 
Après avoir été l’apprenti du Dr Rosen et avoir suivi ses cours de médecine aux pieds nus pendant trois ans, il s’est inscrit au programme d’acupuncture de l’International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Victoria BC (ICTCM). Il y a étudié sous la supervision du Dr Wally Mui D.TCM pendant trois ans. Cependant, après avoir obtenu son diplôme, Greg a senti qu’il manquait quelque chose à sa formation. Il a trouvé cet élément manquant dans les enseignements de Jeffrey Yuen.
 En 2011, Greg s’est rendu à New York où il a ouvert un cabinet d’acupuncture communautaire à Catskill, NY, et a étudié avec M. Yuen les week-ends dans son centre de Chinatown, à New York. Il a appris l’herboristerie chinoise, l’acupuncture avancée, la diététique chinoise et l’utilisation des huiles essentielles du point de vue de la médecine chinoise classique. Il a surtout appris que la véritable médecine chinoise est ancrée dans l’esprit.

Elisa Lessard, acupunctrice à Montréal

Elisa Lessard

After 15 years' experience as a counsellor accompanying people with drug addiction and/or mental health problems, I felt the need to find a different but complementary approach that would enable the body to be used to improve physical and psychological well-being. Traditional Chinese medicine was a significant discovery for me, as it opened up new philosophical concepts and perspectives for helping people.

As part of my training, I did an internship at the Fondation Québécoise du Cancer, where I found that acupuncture helped reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, such as fatigue, hot flashes, peripheral neuropathy, digestive problems and pain.

It has always been important to me to welcome people without judgment and to establish a relationship of trust and mutual respect. I'm delighted to be able to practice at the Clinique d'Acupuncture Sociale d'Hochelaga, which shares my values of inclusion and access to care for all. I look forward to meeting you.

Laura Martin, acupunctrice à Montréal

Laura Martin

I like to support patients in changing their habits and carefully accompany their healing process. I'm interested in the relationship between emotions and physical states.

Because Chinese medicine treats people from where they are at that moment, it's a highly personalized approach that considers the immediate state you're in to guide treatment. It also reminds us that we are an integral part of the world. These two orientations guide my practice.

Dalia Ramirez-Coté

I discovered acupuncture and its benefits thanks to the recommendation of one of my teachers while I was studying Buddhism.

I have been and continue to be deeply inspired by the holistic approach of Chinese medicine and its search for balance that is individual to each person. The importance of a therapeutic relationship based on trust and respect is at the heart of my practice. I want my patients to feel welcome as they are. For me, acupuncture is a co-creative process that restores known but sometimes forgotten connections in the body and opens up new pathways of possibility. This can mean addressing symptoms on a physical, psychological, emotional and energetic level.

My aim is to facilitate the body's natural ability to move towards recovery by infusing gentleness, caring and attention to detail into my treatments.

Ludivine Prioux Acupuncteure à Montréal

Ludivine Prioux

I practiced as a critical care nurse for over 10 years, but I felt that sometimes I was missing something to help people with chronic pain or other complex illnesses. That's how I discovered acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

I now hope to combine my knowledge of Western and Oriental medicine to support you as effectively as possible in your quest for well-being.

Unfortunately, I will be leaving the clinic at the end of November 2024 as I am now living and practising in the laurentians.

Maxime Cardinal-Lemieux

Maxime Cardinal-Lemieux
Today, it's still the desire to help that drives me to deepen my knowledge, open a new book or take a new course. It's also what motivated me to co-found the Clinique d'acupuncture Sociale Hochelaga. As money is often a barrier to accessing care, I felt it was necessary to find a way to lessen its impact.

I practice traditional acupuncture, inspired mainly by Dr. Tan and Master Tung, but I'm always on the lookout for new practices to satisfy my curiosity. I like to offer a treatment plan that leaves room for patients to determine therapeutic orientations. My aim is to ensure that I address patients' priorities at their own pace.

Book an appointment

Book your community acupuncture session today. We look forward to meeting you!